Amidst their busy lives, Anna discovers Greta Gordon's rise to stardom and eagerly shares the news with Dave, who seems indifferent.
As Greta takes the lead role in a film, Anna finds herself captivated by the glamorous actress, but Dave remains uninterested, leaving Anna wondering about his true feelings and connection to Greta.
The stranger Story - A Page in Film News.
let's begin our story.
Sequence 5.
A Page in Film NewsDave never talked about Greta Gordon . He never talked about her visit to the corner shop .
One day , Anna asked him about the film star . how do you know Greta Gordon ? said Anna . Is she a friend of yours ? I don't want to talk about her , Dave replied .
She was a special order customer . Don't asked any more questions about here , Anna . So Anna did not ask any more questions . She did not asked about Greta Gordon's special order and she did not ask about the rings .
Anna kept her promise . She never told anymore about the film star .
Soon it was spring . Anna and never were busy . Mr Hart brought lots of flowers to the corner shop and Anna sold them to the tourists . There were lots of tourists that year .
In May , Peter asked Anna to marry him . She said yes . they became engaged . they planned to get married in the following year . Now they needed money , so they worked hard and they saved . they were very much in love .
On Saturdays ,Peter played football or cricket , and Anna often went to the cinema in Lidney . He enjoyed sports and she loved watching films .
One Day , Anna was reading film news .this was a magazine about film stars . She turned the pages . There was a picture of Greta Gordon !
Anna was pleased . what a surprise ! Beautiful woman was going to be a big film . And now Greta Gordon had the star part . Anna wanted to tell peter about Greta , but she kept her promise . she not tell anyone . But she did show news to Dave Slatin .
Look , Dve , she said . Here's a story about Greta Gordon . Isn't it great ! she's got the big part in beautiful woman .
Dave looked at the magazine GRETA GORDON WILL STAR IN 'BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'.
The star of Beautiful woman was Joanna Leigh but Miss Leigh has broken her arm .
I don't know what happened , said Miss Leigh . I was in my bed room .I slipped and fell . Greta Gordon will now be the star of beautiful woman .
I'm so lucky , Greta told us yesterday . I've always wanted the part . I can't believe it .
I don't know anything about films , he said . Is Greta Gordon a big star ?
Anna laughed . Big star ? Yes , she is! she's terrific ! Dave did not seem interested . I hope she's happy with her big part , was all he said .
The stranger