Prohibited for under nine years | Reading in English

The text is a conversation between a mother and her child named Lahcen, who is spending too much time watching television. 

The mother forbids Lahcen to stay in front of the television all day and tells him that it will hurt his eyes. 

She instructs him to turn off the TV and go play in the garden instead. Lahcen objects, claiming he is watching his favorite cartoons, but the mother insists that he should not stay in front of the screen for too long. 

Lahcen then tells his mother that he is allergic to the scent of plants in the garden, but his mother corrects him, telling him that it is his brother who has allergies, not him. 

Lahcen then asks if he can play with his brother's tablet, but the mother denies him permission, saying he is not yet nine years old. 

Finally, Lahcen agrees to go play in the garden.

Lecture du texte interdit aux moins de neuf ans page 86.

Texte en français.

Lecture Interdit aux moins de neuf ans.
Je t'interdis de rester toute la journée devant la télévision, Lahcen. Tu vas avoir mal aux yeux. Il faut l'éteindre maintenant.
Impossible maman, je regarde mes dessins animés préférés.
- Tu ne dois pas rester trop longtemps devant un écran. Va plutôt jouer dans le jardin. Ça va te faire beaucoup de bien.
- Tu sais très bien que le parfum des plantes me donne des allergies.
Il ne faut pas mentir, Lahcen. C'est ton frère qui a des allergies pas toi.
- Est-ce que tu me permets de jouer avec la tablette de mon frère, maman ?
- Non, tu n'as pas le droit. Tu n'as pas encore neuf ans.
- D'accord, je sors jouer dans le jardin.

Text in English.

I forbid you to stay in front of the television all day, Lahcen. You will hurt your eyes. You need to turn it off now.
Impossible mom, I'm watching my favorite cartoons.
You shouldn't stay in front of a screen for too long. Go play in the garden instead. It will do you a lot of good.
You know very well that the scent of plants gives me allergies.
Don't lie, Lahcen. It's your brother who has allergies, not you.
Can I play with my brother's tablet, mom?
No, you are not allowed to. You are not yet nine years old.
Okay, I'll go play in the garden.


Mots difficiles du texte.

  1. Cartoon - a film or television program that features animated characters.
  2. Scent - a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant.
  3. Authorization - official permission or approval for something.
  4. Immune - resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
  5. Abnormal - deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
  6. Garden - a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables.

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