The protection of children from harm | Reading in English

The French text, translated into English, is a text that provides advice to children to avoid being notified at home and outside the home.

Please help students to have a strong linguistic dictionary and acquire language vocabulary for risk prevention.

Protégeons les enfants contre les dangers lecture l'oasis des mots 3aep.

A la maison, dans la rue ou à l'école, on peut rencontrer des dangers.
Alors, je vous conseille d'être prudents.
Par exemple, à la maison, les prises électriques doivent être protégées par des couvercles.
Dans la rue, il faut regarder à droite puis à gauche avant de traverser. 
Ne jouez pas au ballon près des vitres. 
Vous pouvez les casser et vous blesser. 
Il ne faut pas escalader les clôtures, elles peuvent vous faire mal. 
Pour votre sécurité, respectez les panneaux.

Text translated in english.

Protecting children from harm.
At home, on the street, or at school, one may encounter dangers.
So my advice to you is to be careful.
For example, at home, electrical outlets must be protected by covers.
On the street, you should look right and then left before crossing.
Don't play ball in front of windows.
You can break them and get injured.
Do not climb the fences, they can injure you.
For your own safety, follow the signs.

Difficult Words.

Here are some difficult words from the statement with their meanings:
  1. Electrical outlets - A device on a wall into which an electrical device can be plugged to obtain electricity.
  2. Mishap - An unfortunate accident or bad luck.
  3. Refrain - To avoid doing something.
  4. Potential - Capable of becoming real or possible in the future.
  5. Guidelines - General rules, principles, or pieces of advice.
  6. Cautious - Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
  7. Injured - Harm or hurt physically or mentally.
  8. Fences - A structure that encloses an area, typically made of wood or metal.
  9. Encounter - A meeting, especially an unexpected one.
  10. Electrical accidents - Accidents that occur due to electric shock or electrocution.

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